Seasonal Flu Information

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While immunization is the primary way to reduce disease transmission, there are other ways to reduce the transmission of influenza in our community:

  • Stay home from work or keep your child home from school when they are sick. The CDC recommends staying home for at least 24 hrs after fever has subsided (without the aid of fever reducing medicines)
  • Teach your child to cover their cough or sneeze (Use tissue or sleeve of upper arm). Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use ample amounts of hand sanitizer.
  • Contact your health care provider immediately if you, or your child, becomes ill with flu like symptoms (fever, cough, sore throat, body aches). Early treatment with antiviral medication may reduce risk of complications of influenza. Antiviral medication should only be obtained via a physician’s prescription.