File of Life

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When a Wilton Volunteer Ambulance Corps (WVAC) crew is dispatched to a 911 call, the first things the crew seeks to understand about their patient upon arrival are: a list of medications taken, an accurate medical history, existing conditions and allergies. Often the WVAC crew responds to a patient where this information is not readily available and critical time is spent to gather this information. Once it is gathered, the crew can then use the information in ...

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WVAC 911—Lessons from EMS: Safety First

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What do you imagine is the No. 1 priority for an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)?

When I ask people this question, most guess that it is taking care of the patient. While patient care is our job, our top priority is always our own safety. Following in close second is the safety of our partner.

This may seem contradictory to what you imagine for the job. Most people imagine that EMTs ...

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No Room in an Ambulance for a Boardroom

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In a former life I worked in Corporate America. Since defecting and taking refuge in the world of emergency medicine and cardiac education, one thing has become abundantly clear. I’d rather be working in the back of an ambulance than in the boardroom.

I found that the corporate environment distorts our perception of life, clouds our judgment and mangles the rational mind. The result is an inability to recognize true emergencies and respond appropriately.  Exaggerated jargon in the ...

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A Letter from the Babysitter

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The following account is based on a true incident.  Names, ages and circumstances have been changed to protect privacy.

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Dom Perignon:

I had a great time babysitting your son on Friday night. We did a lot of coloring, Lego building, and even played hide-n-seek, which he won (of course). He was very good about brushing his teeth and getting into bed on time. I started to read Charlotte’s Web to him, but he fell asleep ...

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