The vehicles of Wilton EMS are a key component of its operation. Our ambulances employ state of the art equipment to ensure the highest level of patient care. Wilton EMS uses two ambulances for emergency calls, 511 and 512. Each week, the primary ambulance is rotated to the back up ambulance, so that neither ambulance gets too much wear and tear. If another call comes in while one ambulance is committed, the secondary ambulance will be used.

The Wilton/Weston paramedic, provided by Norwalk Hospital, responds to calls in the paramedic flycar, either Medic 500 or 501. The paramedic flycars are Ford Expeditions and carry all the paramedic’s advanced life support equipment.  Every other week, the primary medic flycar is rotated to be the back up, so that neither vehicle gets too much wear and tear.


2019 Ford Expedition
Medic 500 is a Paramedic Flycar, used by the Wilton / Weston Paramedic



2016 Ford Expedition
Medic 501 is a Paramedic Flycar, used by the Wilton / Weston Paramedic


2019 Ford / Life Line F550 Ambulance
511 is an ambulance used by either the duty crew or by members for second calls when it is the backup ambulance.



2017 Ford / Life Line F550 Ambulance
512 is an ambulance used by either the duty crew or by members for second calls when it is the backup ambulance.