WVAC 911: Sepsis Killed Kermit

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After complaining of a sore throat only two days prior, on May 15, 1990, famed puppeteer Jim Henson woke up at 2am; he was having trouble breathing, and was coughing up blood. Henson agreed to go to the New York Hospital two hours later, and by the time he got there he couldn’t breathe on his own. He had abscesses in his lungs. After two cardiac arrests, he died the morning of May 16, 1990 at age ...

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What You Need To Know Before You Say Good-Bye To Your Telephone Landline – Your Life May Depend On It

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You may think that getting rid of your telephone landline is a great idea because you will save money, not miss any calls and avoid having multiple phone numbers. In addition, you may feel safe and secure knowing that you have a phone with you at all times should you or someone else need help. However, there are two important factors you should be aware of that pertain to the most critical call you may ever make ...

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WVAC 911: Struggling to death

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The scene has played out before and been witnessed by many, but usually only in a movie or on an episode of Cops. The patient is naked or partially clothed and is sweating profusely. He is violent, unstoppable, has what seems like superhuman strength and is impervious to pain. The patient’s bizarre behavior came on suddenly, and he is confused, won’t follow commands to desist and is shouting and screaming. The patient is also violent against ...

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No Room in an Ambulance for a Boardroom

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In a former life I worked in Corporate America. Since defecting and taking refuge in the world of emergency medicine and cardiac education, one thing has become abundantly clear. I’d rather be working in the back of an ambulance than in the boardroom.

I found that the corporate environment distorts our perception of life, clouds our judgment and mangles the rational mind. The result is an inability to recognize true emergencies and respond appropriately.  Exaggerated jargon in the ...

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A Letter from the Babysitter

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The following account is based on a true incident.  Names, ages and circumstances have been changed to protect privacy.

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Dom Perignon:

I had a great time babysitting your son on Friday night. We did a lot of coloring, Lego building, and even played hide-n-seek, which he won (of course). He was very good about brushing his teeth and getting into bed on time. I started to read Charlotte’s Web to him, but he fell asleep ...

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